Somos+ Website

Link para protótipo / Link to Prototype:

Somos+ website homepage image
Gallery of Images:
Somos+ website gallery screen image
Slideshow of the images gallery:
Somos+ website Slideshow image
Detail of the Product:
Somos+ website product detail page image
Products page:
Somos+ website product page image
Detail when a product is added to the shopping cart:
Somos+ website shopping cart window preview screen image
Detail of the information from the news:
Somos+ website news detail page image
News/Blog page:
Somos+ website news page image
Contact page:
Somos+ website contact screen image
Shopping Cart page:
Somos+ website shopping cart screen image
Smartphone Version
Homepage Screens:
Somos+ website mobile versions, multiple screens
More Mobile Screens:
Somos+ website mobile versions, multiple screens
Somos+ website mobile versions, multiple screens